Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Week 14- last week

Yes, I could not believe my eyes that this week is the last week for the semester. I feel that all went and moved fast in a blink of eyes. Yes, i am shocked. However, I have to say that I learned a lot from this course. For example, on how to create video, blogs, smartboard and many more.
This week, we did not have anything special as we were just briefed on the exam date, duration and so on. In less than 1 hour the class was over. So, there is nothing much for me to say here. As this is my last blog, I would like to wish everyone good luck for the upcoming exams. Bye...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

week 13

This week, Prof. Maznah was not around. Therefore, the tutors briefed us on the tasks that we are to complete. They are - uploading the blogs, replying to the questions posed on adec like- "how you want your future classroom to be?", on the exam date and venue and many more. Thus, all of us was busy preparing ourselves to compete the unfinished task. For me, I had to update my blog and answer the questions posed on adec. I took me some time to do the task as I had to think critically on how to answer the questions as they were questioning about the course so far. Hence, the whole 3 hours was spend doing these stuff. I had to say that I could not believe my eyes that this week is the second last week for this semester. Moreover, this would be my second last blog. Whatever it is, I have to admit that I learned a lot of things from this course and will apply it in the future whenever possible.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Online chatting .......

This week, we did something really interesting. guess what? Yes, online chatting in is not that we never chat before, but it was something different as we chated in adec! We were supposed to chat on how we would like our future classroom to be. Many gave different and interesting ideas. some suggested to have air- conditioner in the classroom, while some said that we shoild have a conducive environment. many agree that we should have technology tolls in the class like LCD projector or maybe smartboard.nevertheless, others argue that it is not possible as it needs a lot of money allocation.

It was entertaining and interesting though, as we talked about all this. some also did say that we need to have teacher assistants in the classroom. I could not help but agree with it as i 100% believe that a teacher should ONLY teach and not be indulged in the clerical work and preparing the materials. in this way, the teacher can give 100% focus on the teaching and learning process. This would help to bring our education level to the next level. However, it is not applied here and some said that for this suggestion to be real, we need a lot of money allocation.
Nevertheless, we had to stop chatting as the chat room always hang as i think it is overloaded. Therefore, we had to stop chatting. later, we were told to upload on adec on how we would like our future classroom to be like. my firend and i immediately uploaded it on adec. Sometimes, we think that the question is simple, but it really made me to think critically on how i REALLY want my future classroom to be.
I must say that i really learned a lot this week. That's all for now. Bye...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

This week- week 11- holidays??

Happy and glad - That is how I would like to describe this week. Yes, this is so as today is the submission of assignment 3- smartboard. Fuhh!!! I could not utter my happiness to anyone as this is the last assignment for this subject as I know. Moreover, we have a one week break due to the hari raya celebration. What other gift can be given to us after completing the assignment? Holidays, of course!Therefore, this week, we did not do much. We just submitted our cd which contains all the group members’ smartboard assignment. Then, we had a little lecture on the fish philosophy which I found was quite interesting. Hmm..’maybe I can use it in my class in the future’ I thought.

I am saying so as I feel that it is very interesting and fun if it is applied in the class. Imagine the reactions of 78 people who are in their 20’s when the fishes was being thrown around the classsrom. What would be the reaction and atmosphere of pupils of 7- 12 years old. Right? Anyway, after that we were left to go home early as the lecturer understands our anticipation to go back home as soon as possible. Haha..thanks professor for your kind consideration.

That’s all for this week! It was a short but memorable class for me. ‘ Selamat Hari Raya’ to all my muslim friends, not forgetting our dear Professor too. Bye, happy holidays to all of you. But, do not forget my dear friends to complete your assignments for the other subjects. Do enjoy yourselves but do not procrastinate yeah!! Bye…

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Presentation of the Smartboard and correction of the errors.

Basically, this week the groups presented their best smartboard presentation. It is a good idea that we present the smartboard assignment and got feedback from the lecturer, tutors and friends. In this way, we will be able to learn on how to improve on our activities. For some of the groups, they were unable to present their's due to time constraint. Nevertheless, i am glad that we were given the opportunity to work on to improve our activities. This is so as I have to do a lot of improvement for my activity like change the font, background, add pictures and many more.
So, this week we just had the group presentation. I personally, learned a lot from the presentation including from other groups as well. So, i told to myself 'there are a lot of repair work that needs to be done later at home' as i was viewing the presentation.
What do you think happened later? Yes, of course! iIwent back home and edited some of my ativities as i learned that somehow or rather they were not appropriate. So, that is all from me for this week. I have to go now, as i want to edit my smartboard assigment. See you later, bye....

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Week 9

Before we started with the smartboard presentation, today our lecturer asked and questioned us on what and how we want to be evaluated on the smartboard assignment. I was actually puzzled as to what I really want the assignment to be evaluated. Some of my course mates really gave some productive and interesting ways on what is to be evaluated. Isn’t that interesting? You are given the opportunity to evaluate and tell out the criteria that you want in an assignment. I was trilled. Anyway, at the end of the day I found that the criterion that was told by us is some sort similar to the usual way of evaluating an assignment. For instance, things like creativity, interesting activities, suitablity and all that. I guess that one needs all these in any task or assignment given regardless of the subject. That really opened my eyes that we have to insert creativity and suitability in almost everything that we do. ‘Hmmm…’ I thought. Looks like I have to really make and do something really interesting for this assignment.

Besides, we had presentation for smartboard too. Each group should send the best presentation that they have for smartboard. So, each group send their ‘best’. I personally feel that this approach is very good. This is because through this we can scrutinise our own strength and weakness. Moreover, we can continue to improve ourselves for this assignment. We can advance ourselves not only through our group presentation but also others. How so? This can be done by looking at their presentation and the comments given (both the positive and suggestions). Yes, for example, making the font size bigger, the colour should be attractive, choose a suitable background. I learned about transparency as well. Thanks to the comments given by our friends, tutors and lecturer. I really benefited from this week’s lesson.

To add on, we were given an extra hour to prepare, amend and work on our smartboard. During that period of time, I spend my time wisely as we have to submit many assignments around this stage. Thus, I want make use and exploit my time astutely without wasting a single minute.

That is all that we have done for this week. Some presentation and continue to work on the assignment. Well, I guess next week will be more appealing as next week is the real presentation. I cannot wait to see what each group has keep in store for the presentation !


More video clips on smartboard to share with you. You can learn layering through this video. Hope it is beneficial to you.